Surprise, surprise I have tattoo's.
(makes a Rosie the riveter pose. May she rest in peace) I'm such a rebel!
Ha! no I'm not really. I'm really traditional. Seriously ask my friends.
My mom told me back when I was around 14 if I waited till my 18th birthday to get one she would pay for my tattoo. I took her up on that and waited. Weeks before my 18th birthday I figured out what I wanted and where I wanted it. My 18th birthday came around and she was true to her word. Took me to get my first tattoo. I had seen friends and at the time my boy friend get tattoos. So I got the general idea on how the process went.
Fast forward 10 years and I'm still in love with my choices. I do not regret ANY of them. However I do regret some of their placements (I'll explain later.)
What do I think my tattoo's are going to look like when I'm 80? They will look AWESOME. Seriously have you seen some of the old folks rocking tattoo's out there? I love em! <--- The old folks that is.
This is my thigh tattoo. It's not finished yet.
On to the after care...
- Get said tattoo. listen to your artist on what they say to do. Seriously.
Yes seriously, it's the best information you can get. The reason I am typing this at all is that I didn't always get after care information for my tattoo's and I forget easily as time has passed. But I've learned enough to know what works for me. I have sensitive skin. Pale skin that shows ink really well. And the after care I use is a combination of information given to me by various artists. If you lose your instructions or want to know what your getting into read on.
So this is what works for me.
(use caution and at your own risk. A tattoo is an open wound. Treat it like one.)
- Do research on artists and shops, make sure they are clean and reputable, get your tattoo. (In Texas they must have a license)
- Leave plastic cover on for an hour then remove.
- Wash the tattoo with a light anti bacterial soap. I highly recommend Tattoo goo. (see reference below)
- Pat tattoo dry with a clean towel.
- There are slaves, balms, lotions and creams out there. I've used everything from Black Cat Tattoo Aftercare, A&D cream, to a homemade one and I still prefer Tattoo Goo. Add a small amount and rub in. It shouldn't look like a glazed doughnut. Just have a shine to it. DO NOT RE COVER.
- Wear light clothing that won't hug the tattoo (or depending on the placement none at all) Change your sheets to ones that your don't care about or dark ones because the tattoo will ooz..
- Keep it dry but if it gets itchy use some tattoo safe lotion, it will keep the skin from being tight and drying out to quickly. IB profen helps swelling.
- Continue this process for a week. When it starts to look like this.
When it starts scabbing the goo helps with the itching. Don't scratch at it. Resist the urge! ha ha easier said then done. Some people lightly slap there's some have said scratch the opposite side of the body. I just try to keep myself distracted.
- Shower only for two weeks, Forget about baths/pools/hot tubs/lakes etc.
- If you must cover it use a light breathable dressing.
This is what hasn't worked for me/friends or significant others.
- Keeping salve on it the entire time. (it became to wet and led to infection. The tattoo ended up having to be re-done altogether.)
- Having tight clothes on (led to removal of scabs to early and lost tattoo pigment in the skin.
- Picking. I have had friend pick the scabs. Yuck and it has the same effect listed above.
- Gone to the lake. Please..don' Think about all the bacteria in the water..think of it getting into an open wound. Add to that that your not supposed to submerge your tattoo for two weeks or until healed.
Having an infection, knowing it's infected and not seeking treatment. (Ick and DON'T DO IT) if it looks infected seek medical attention for it right away. When it turns into a nasty smelly mess you can also get a messed up tattoo for life or a blood infection that can lead to death...

See the spots where the color is faded? I got a slight infection. (no where near a friends magnitude.. his was bad) Then do to tight clothes, removal of scabs which took out the ink. I can get it touched up for free. Always be sure to ask the artist about it.
Ah yes Tattoo Goo.
This amazing stuff has been around a long time.. One of my tattoo artists has recommended it since the 80's. I found it a couple of years ago in Walmart next to the stretch mark cream. And he was all for the use of it. I have never gone back to the other products it works that well.
This is what it come's with.
- Tattoo aftercare lotion. 95% natural olive oil formula, enhances color of new & old tattoos. Dermatologist tested and made in the USA. This stuff is amazing. A small amount goes a long way.
- Deep Cleansing Soap for Tattoos and Piercings. Anti bacterial. Antimicrobial pH balanced. This is what I use in the shower. You just put some in your hand and lightly wash the tattoo then rinse it off. Warm water is fine hot water you will feel pain. Also can be used on minor cuts and scrapes.
- Tattoo Goo Balm. Enhances color on new and old tattoos. Does not clog pours and can be used in everyday skin care.
- Tattoo Protection Color Guard*. 30 SPF uva/uvb sunscreen. Preserve & protects rich colors. And smells like a coconut. I added a star because this is something on my considerations list below.
Things to consider:
Maybe this is your first tattoo, maybe your considering letting your child (18 yr.+ child) get a tattoo, maybe you just want to know about tattoos...
Will it hurt?
Did you ever see the movie Son In Law with Poly shore? They go to get a tattoo and she asks if it will hurt. The artists response was "It's better then a kick in the face with a golf shoe." Well that's a little much in my opinion. It's 2-7 needles literally in your skin at a given time. So yeah it hurts.No pain, no gain. But it depends on where your getting it and your pain tolerance as well. My husband the big strong man he is ... faints. (I love him anyway) For me it helps me relax. I know I know I'm crazy right? I'm a red head we feel pain differently. (seriously look it up) At first it feels like someone is scratching a sunburn then for what ever reason I stop focusing on the pain and relax.
If you get the chance go to youtube and watch tattoo in slow motion. It's amazing.
What do you want and where do you want it?
If your like me and a lot of tattoo addicts out there they can tell you the first tattoo is the hardest to pick. After that you know what you want almost immediately. My first tattoo, I knew what I wanted and where I wanted it. This is where the placement part of my story comes into play. I got it on my back between my shoulder blades. I LOVE this tattoo to this day. But I can't see it. Unless I look in a mirror it might as well not even exist. And when you want to get a tattoo your going to want to see it right? This one was also right over my spine. It's not an easy place to get tattoo'ed for a first timer.
Sun and sunscreen?
The sun isn't good for your skin. We all know it. Use sunscreen people. How ever I'm a redhead. I think my husbands favorite joke is "I knew a Ginger who went outside once...It exploded." Me and sun don't mix lol. You know what else doesn't mix? Sun and tattoo's. It will cause them to fade unless you use sunscreen. Here's the kicker... Some sunscreens pull the ink out of a tattoo especially a new one causing it to fade. Google a sunscreen that is tattoo safe before use.
Comments and criticism?
If your tattoo can be seen someone at some point will say something about it. Here's the top 5 I have heard.
What does it mean? (they don't all have a story)
Your body is your temple why would you do that to it?
I'm very happy to decorate it. I think its lovely. It's my shield and brings me peace. Reminds me of a quote I once heard. " What if tattoo's just showed up at key points in our lives, and we had to figure out what they meant?"
Your mother must be proud. (insert rude sarcastic tone here.) Followed by "I feel bad for your parents" Gee whiz miss lady.. What crawled up your butt and died. I literally was sitting with my family when this happened.
You'll never get a job with those tattoo's all over your body. (wrong)
Those are BEAUTIFUL the artist has done a wonderful job. (these are the ones that make you proud. You are wearing someones art. Someones talent and creation.)
I also had one dad cover his young daughters eyes and move her away from me. That was interesting.
** None of my tattoo's other then the fact that they are tattoos are considered offensive. I have no nudity, bad words or derogatory tattoo's. Most are family related.
Just expect it. Good and bad. People will say something or point. It's something you have to get used to.
Can I touch it?
Ha! I don't condone this... but I've had people come up to me and and touch the ones on my arms without asking and it irks the heck out of me. It stinks but it's something you'll have to deal with. Be grateful for the ones that ask. I've also gotten the "I'll show you mine." Which is mainly from drunk people. Something else I tend to avoid..
Stretch marks?
I have asked a couple of artists over this one and have personal experience. Here's the deal with it. You can tattoo over stretch marks. But not something you want perfect lines on. I have some ink bleeding (bleeding is the ink seeping into the surrounding skin making it look blurry.) into the tattoo of the Kracken in the photo above. But you can't see it unless you look closely. Words or sentences wouldn't work. And as you can tell from the middle picture they swell like crazy and hurt a bit more then the rest of the skin around them.
How is it going to effect your future?
Does anyone know what their future holds? Some jobs are discriminatory. I know that. But I personally don't want those jobs. They are not what I'm into. For some people they just cover up their art with long sleeves and pants. Others with make up or band aids. As far as I know I'll still be proud to rock my ink if I make it to my 80's because I MADE it to my 80's. My ink is my story. I will not be ashamed. Getting a tattoo isn't as permanent as it used to be but I have no intention of going through more pain of getting it removed. So I make sure I'm dedicated to the ones I do decide to get.
Where did you get them?
If someone wants to know where you got your tattoos tell them. Your helping them and the artist. Most artist and shops have stickers and cards laying about. At the shop pictured above they always have a bowl with stickers in it they give away in bulk. Next to it are the shops cards and the the artists appointment cards. I say take as many as you want and keep them with you to hand out. It makes all the difference in the world when asked to be able to hand out a card.
My experience.
I'm not going to show all of my tattoo's on this page. Not because I don't want you to see them. Heck ask me and I'll show. But it also makes me identifiable in a public setting and I'm not comfortable with that yet. I have 13 tattoo's 3 of which are very large. I plan on filling up as much of my canvas as I can being so short. I have friends and family members that have had 200+ hours under the needle all together. And my tattoo artists know me by name. If you have a question please feel free to ask.
After a song by Otep a metal band.
"Your perfectly flawed,
Perfectly incomplete
Let them condemn,
Imperfections will keep you unique.